Stephen Dalton
Crew Member Since: 01/10/2021
Turn Around Time: 1 Hours
About Me
Clear, Crisp and Rich Irish voice
My Bio
Stephen holds a degree in acting from one of the world's top drama schools. Guildhall has about 3,000 applicants each year and Stephen was one of 25 selected in the year that he gained entry. Guildhall has a rigorous audition process and anyone who gains entry is considered to be an elite talent. Actors such as Ewan McGregor, Daniel Craig, Orlando Bloom and Lily James were taught by the exact same teachers that Stephen was taught by during his three years of rigorous training, so you can rest assured that if you employ his services you will be hiring a pro.
Stephen has worked successfully in the voiceover industry for years and has been trusted by brands like ‘Mini’ and ‘Volkswagen’. His clients always leave utterly satisfied with his work and you can rest assured that your job will be no exception.
Stephen has travelled extensively, and has a strong understanding of the world today. This further heightens his ability to have a grasp of what he is reading and why the job he is doing for you is important. It also means that he has a particularly strong ear for accents. Stephen also excels in the English language, which means his ability to communicate your script will be second nature to him.
All of this leads to Stephen being completely and utterly the right choice for your voiceover needs.