Experienced full-time non-union voice talent that can help you with your voice over project. Commercials, explainers, eLearning, telephony and other business narrations can be easy when you hire an easy-to-work-with professional.
My voice has medium to deeper tones, and can be soothing, instructive, classy, identifiable and always friendly. I'm reliable and making your job go smoother is my job.
My Other Demos
Main Demo
Read what my clients are saying about me
I try to make the payment for the audition but the payment decline. so i have contacted my bank, so as soon as i get my new card in the mail am going to send you the phone number that i need you to do the audition for. Priscilla Bradnick, American Cash Adward
Arlene did a great job. I had another gal do it before and she just could not get it close to where I wanted it. Arlene nailed it! I so appreciate she gave me three reads, that was so helpful.
I will most certainly keep Arlene in mind for future spots. michelle ahlborg, A&M Productions